3 Years Old

The Wits turned 3 years old today!

It’s hard to believe that this whole thing started 3 years ago in a rental garage after finding a few old dressers on craigslist to update.

I knew just what I wanted for them.  We set out to do the repairs and finished them without electricity or running water in that workspace.  Some people in the apartment complex stopped by to see what we were up to because they noticed two crazies working on something in their garage every evening and weekend.

The first dressers made their way to New York with a couple who told us that we are really going to be something in this field one day.  That message was a constant to us and very encouraging each time.

From there, we did a lot of customer jobs, delivered things out of state and shipped a few pieces on etsy to various persons around the U.S.

We wanted more space to live and work, to stop renting and also craved a big project.  In December of 2011 we moved into this house and never looked back.  After reaching one goal, we’d move on to the next and never stopped setting more goals.  We expanded our family to include two pups who don’t even blink when we start to make noise.

Our dream was to move to the Pacific Northwest.  The opportunity came up a little over a year ago with Greg’s job and we jumped on it.  We set out to overhaul almost every room in the place before moving.

The house is nearly finished today and I can’t wait to get back to refurbishing furniture regularly once we get to Seattle.   Greg and I love designing/improving furniture and homes so much that we believe it is our calling and intend to continue doing both.

3 little years.  I wonder where we’ll be in 3 more.

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