Antique Dresser Reveal
Just popping in to show you our latest refurbished dresser. The one I (Annie) found on the curb. The one that had maybe been in a fire and/or was the victim of a stripping gone wrong. (Sounds like my Saturday … Continue reading
Craigslist Tips and Campaign Dresser Find
Over the weekend, while working on the fence and steps, Greg and I cleaned and organized the garage about as much as we can around the items we’re putting in our future garage sale. That meant creating a dozen or … Continue reading
Weekend Finds and the Effects of DayQuil on Yardwork
Ever have one of those colds that make your head feel as if it will explode? I’m so there. Just as I was apologizing for being absent on our facebook page. I was anticipating my absence from blogging this week. … Continue reading
Mod Dresser Reveal
Tur-dur! The retro/mid-century/vintage/clean-lined/mod dresser is finally finished. I don’t know what to call it beyond done. It ended up dark grey (gray to some), like a few others but only with a somewhat glossy, poly finish and I love it. … Continue reading