My brain is scattered today. Yesterday I was clearheaded and running on all cylinders which was when I revised the topics I wanted to bring up in this post…only in my mind and not in a smart way whatsoever like writing it down, having Siri take notes on my iphone, or anything helpful. I know what my problem is, I do it with everything, once I get something arranged-in mind or on paper-I put a check beside it and consider the task done and out of mind or consider it so apparent what I want to say that I think I don’t need to retain the info…this time it didn’t work. Method to this madness, I swear. (Really, I have a potty mouth.)
So I’m going to try to recall some of what I wanted to tell you.
1) You will see a little change around here. I updated the pages in the header area. I added a ‘custom order’ page, changed our ‘for sale/sold’ to ‘portfolio’ (I thought it sounded better) and added a ‘pieces we’re working on right now’ page which I’m most pleased with because you can follow along with exactly what we’re doing for the furniture refinishing biz. I thought the house work and other things were making it not so clear and wanted to get back on track for the original reason of this blog-telling ya’ll about the furniture we find and make over. Hopefully this helps.

2) I’m going to start organizing my Pinterest account better (which is under my food blog name-the dabble). It’s been set up to work for my functions and recently it didn’t even work for me so I decided to switch it up. That’s a work in progress.
I plan to make a board for hardware resources, still working on that awesome dressers board, edit the DIY and products I love board (probably a few others). I see Pinterest as a way to connect to people with similar interests/unique persons and rely on it for inspiration, rededication to my goals (seeing all those great things makes me want to create great things) and I love seeing what makes up someone’s world. You can tell a lot about a person from their boards and it is a nice way for businesses and the owners behind it to show their personalities. Some people don’t take it as that (perhaps the same people who belittle the connection factor of facebook) and I’ve had a non-supporter make idiotic comments about what I pin. Makes no sense.
Which reminds me. This quote was in the article about keeping it cool as a small business owner but it is a great advice for life in general:
“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounding yourself with assholes.” — William Gibson
And this was in the same article from one of my favorite ladies:
“Only hang around people that are positive and make you feel good. Anybody who doesn’t
make you feel good, kick them to the curb. And the earlier you start in your life the better.
The minute anybody makes you feel weird and non-included or not supported, you know,
either beat it or tell them to beat it.” — Amy Poehler
Love them.
3) The sidebar to the right is getting a switcheroo. I created that facebook page for us last week which I am on more often than I should be, revealing things about our furniture projects (ok and the water/basement issue, articles I enjoy like how not to lose your cool as a small business owner (actually I think I meant to put it on the page but didn’t) and solutions for a painful internet (both great), home remodels, hardware and ridiculous requests from craigslisters).

Recently I talked about what route we’re going for the empire dresser which involves milk paint and as of this morning, I disclosed the plans for this guy below (oil-based enamel). Still loving that Soy Gel stripper. It worked great once again to remove the uggo shiny finish with little effort.
4) I’m happy to say the blue dresser-Joe-went on to greener pastures, a cottage bedroom. A nice woman and her son picked this guy up the other day. I love hearing the plans for our pieces and getting pictures. The vintage tufted couch landed in a very cute living room and looks great. Thanks, Megan!
5) A reader contacted me asking for help finding one beautiful knob to finish her project. I’m still trying to find it but gave her some links for resources- “those websites were better than anything ive found online my self :)” she said. If you need assistance finding hardware or anything for your project, I would love to help.
I believe there were a few other things I wanted to share but I’m blanking. Hope you have a clearheaded, wonderful day!