My sister had her first daughter and our first niece this morning! Nolan, our nephew, is a big brother. Welcome, sweet girl! I know I don’t normally speak of my personal life outside of Greg and myself (leaving out the last post about my grandpa) but with the difficult time happening in my family it’s nice to also have amazing news of new life too. We all need that.
There’s something difficult going on in our family. We found out a few weeks ago my normally active, 80 plus year old grandpa has cancer. We’re waiting to hear the treatment plan. It’s hell and taken me out of a posting/renovating mood and landed me in a cry uncontrollably/angry mood while trying to keep busy with other tasks. We finished a little more electrical in the house. The attic project is on hold but we hope to get back to it this weekend.
We decided to take a break from house projects and get a puppy. Greg and I missed having a pet with the apartment living. Both of us grew up around dogs and other animals so this was another step we wanted to take.
Our new puppy, Henry, is an 8 week old, 7 lb., Old English sheepdog. I’ve been searching for a pup to fit our lifestyle and am fond of the breed so I made it happen.
Our Old English sheepdog Henry
He’s a handful, sweet and quite ornery. Our new house feels a little more complete. Who would have thought that something so destructive brought in a house you’re trying to renovate could bring so much joy?
He will be around 70 lbs. as an adult. Is it crazy that I want to adopt another pup soon?
This fence could be an upcoming project with the new pup. Photo in Sunset Magazine
We’re easily keeping him away from furniture projects. Thank goodness our workspace is downstairs where he can’t get to (yet). The hard part is ignoring his pleas for us to come back to him.
Almost finished-waiting for the hardware to arrive
On another note, I’m hoarding collecting more mid-century pieces.
One from a store in Minneapolis, Covet, for $95 and another from an estate sale outside of Minneapolis for $60. We plan to simply stain these.
A woman came in not even 2 minutes after we purchased the dresser asking about it. Is it awful that once I got over sympathizing (I know how it feels to miss out on something found on craigslist), I fell into sore winner mentality doing fistpumps out the door? I needed a win.
Sonora Grill at the Midtown Global Market
We had some delicious food at Sonora Grill at the Midtown Global Market while in Minneapolis. We try to go somewhere new when we get up there every few months and on the way home, I found Henry online. Saturday wasn’t too shabby I’d say.
He’s a welcome addition to the family and a help for the tough times.
The current client dresser-going to a nursery for twins-is moving along. Being able to use power tools once again, having a heated workshop and running water nearby for clean up plus light for work in the dark, winter evenings makes the process that much more fulfilling and pleasant. I have a hand sander and shop vacuum that have become my best friends-next to Greg. Our family provided most of this necessary equipment so our thanks goes out to them. Since we can use these tools, we can now address more issues or issues in a different way.
We bust out Pandora on my iphone and get to work an hour or two at a time. This dresser could be my favorite order to date. It has such great bones. The legs (what is with me and dresser legs these days) and the little details rock-a raised portion in the center and some bead work on the upper drawers. Plus the client and I have similar tastes and she communicates well which makes the order feel pretty smooth sailin’ so far.
The house work continues. The trailer is ready to go. Our real estate agent was kind enough to let us use his. He is also hauling our junk and helping unload everything at the local dump later this week. This will cost us maybe $70 for demo disposal. Hmm a $450 dumpster versus $70. Big time savings.
Some rods (we cut ourselves with a handy sawzall), support brackets, storage shelving and a little drywall/paint work brought us to our bedroom closet for about $220. That’s a third of the cost of similar closet systems we found on the market. My thought is that I can increase the custom feel and value with thick, unique shelves over the rods. Since we salvaged a lot of lumber during demo, we’ll use that material. More savings.
Kind of hard to see but there are more rods at the top of the closet
The original plan was to place some kind of shoe storage under the bottom shelf but I couldn’t find a unit with dimensions that would work and at a price we’re willing to pay. The new plan is to get white storage pieces that fit almost perfectly alongside the center shelving which will add another $100 (unless I find it on craigslist). They are not necessary but I like having my shoes sit on that instead of the floor/carpet. While I’m not picky about my closets-I came from years of apartment living with limited space and storage so almost anything is an improvement- we think the next owner will be pleased with this arrangement.
We also put in new blinds. The ones most likely original to our 1952 house weren’t cutting it…although I like the design. Am I crazy or does it appeal to you too?
I forget what they are called but my grandma knew and I guess they were popular back in the day. They made everything crazy dark though. Our bedroom now has the natural woven, roman blinds in espresso while the second bedroom has white linen, roman shades. Both allow light in (waking up is so much better with some light in my opinion) but also give privacy.
I had a few 10% off coupons. One from our moving coupon package received through USPS and the other when I signed on with Lowe’s website. Two checkouts allowed the use of both in one trip. I rarely pay full price for something and I’m a stickler for free shipping. Retail Me Not is a source I often turn to (I’m not affiliated but I’d love to be-they are awesome). I’m not affiliated with any of the brands and stores I’ve mentioned in this post. I just like them.
The blinds didn’t come without scandal. One package came sans hardware so I called the company, on hold for 20 minutes, to be told they don’t have hardware to send out. Thinking we were in trouble since the closest Lowes is 45 minutes away (we just happened to be in the area for other reasons the day we purchased these so we didn’t waste a trip and negate our discount), I began to wonder if the savings was worthwhile since it looked like we’d have to go back to fix this issue.
I'm thinking of going this natural blind route for the other rooms-pic via Pinterest
Just as I began to fret, Greg called me in to show me that using the hardware actually makes it look tacky. You could see the plastic attachment at the top. Beforehand, I debated whether to have the shades mounted in or outside the frame and in won-both for ease of finding a standard size and because of the large windows since we’re practically on the street and quite close to our neighbor. Greg simply attached the blinds to the woodwork and it looks seamless. I recommend it to others if you find yourself with similar blinds. I think it will look better when I add curtains…another someday project. Along with repairing the walls, painting all the trim white, repairing the ceiling, painting the ceiling, painting the walls, adding closet doors and replacing the other doors. One day at a time.
We started on the new attic entry as well.
The picture above is the current attic entrance. In a tiny closet (that will soon go away to make more room in the bathroom). I’m a bit claustrophobic. Greg swears he can wiggle his way in. I am not looking forward to this but to move forward with several other projects (electrical and insulation are just a few), this needs done. Greg will need my help. Panic is already setting in. If you don’t hear from me in a week, contact the authorities and check my attic.
Before and After-new attic entry to come here
The new attic entrance will be in here which happens to be in the open space between the dining and living room. The area needs to be reinforced so we can mount and build the steps inside.
The entrance to the attic will be something along these lines but with my twist.
How did you build your closet or storage space? What do you think a closet should include? I’d love to know and be inspired for the other closets yet to be done. Any suggestions for window treatments for large windows (at least 110 inches wide)? The living room still needs new shades.
Wanna see the newest member of our household? It’s about to get weird in here, people. I think it’s sexy and I am not the kind of person to describe furniture as such. Not seriously anyway.
See how it sits all sexy in the shadows? I know. I'm crazy.
Do you see it though? I’d normally just mention that it has clean lines, a simple shape, mid-century qualities, nice hardware, tapered legs with caps-all things I like.
Sexy though? Maybe it was the price ($50) or the legs or the clean lines or the hardware or the quiet way it sits in the shadows not begging to be looked at but certainly noticed. All that has to be it.
Just so you know, I will not make a habit of describing furniture in this manner. This is the exception. I’m keeping this piece. Even though our etsy shop now sits empty. Ol’ blue dresser leaves this weekend for NYC after it was recently purchased. We’ll get back to refinishing more pieces soon.
Not our bedroom closet but another one bit the dust in one of the basement bedrooms last weekend.
First, I want a closet in our bedroom and a new attic entry so the remaining electrical can be done and we can blow in more insulation. Rent the machine, spray the cellulose and keep in more heat (it’s been cold in here even though we’re having a mild winter).
A goner
We’re in the midst of repairing and tearing down closets in the house. Very similar to repairing furniture but with joint compound instead of wood filler, drywall sander and trowel for a skim coat on the walls in place of sand paper. Greg makes it look like an art. It is an art. I do what I can but sometimes that means standing back and snapping pictures.
Same tools with a different purpose. We painted the closet bright white and now it’s almost ready for the hooks and rod.
The trailer is here to haul our demo material to the dump this weekend. It’s open one Saturday a month during the winter and that would be this weekend. It’s only going to take a few hours to load….not looking forward to it but I’m ready for that junk to be gone and the dust to settle elsewhere.
Welcome to 2012! I don’t know why but even numbers (and right turns) are more appealing to me. Call me a weirdo. But I could be extra excited about this year because we’re so in love with our first home. Greg and I jumped right into projects. I attacked a few closets after oh, about 5 minutes in the door.
We’ve been here for a little over 2 weeks with most of the work happening over the extended weekends (too bad those are gone for a long time). Hello, hammer, crowbar and being exhausted in the best way!
I’ll spare you most of the boring details of our holiday season, resist posting a “best of 2011” or the “what I learned in 2011” post and instead show you some pictures of the house with a few shots of things that went on in my writing absence.
I find myself, in moments of rest, saying “I can’t believe we have a house” followed by a big smile. Greg does the same. It’s bigger than we thought even with our oversized, modern furniture. The ceiling is awesome. The soft water rocks. The dishwasher actually cleans. We can do laundry whenever we want in our very own washer and dryer. We have a basement and garage. We have nice neighbors that bring us welcoming gifts-a candle and some homegrown frozen raspberries.
The ceiling
We’re working to make it great for resale in 3 to 5 years (update 2014: turned out to be less than 3) and at the same time, work within our tastes as much as we can but there will have to be compromise.
Our style is not your average Midwesterner’s ideal. (I’m having a hard time finding super dark hardwood flooring in a 50 mile radius.) We also hope to get a renter in a few months to help with the cost which gives us incentive to get that area remodeled pronto.
Thus far it doesn’t look like much and I’m light-years away from getting to the decorating portion. It doesn’t stop me from planning though. Anyone looked at my Pinterest boards lately? Crammed full of inspiration.
I’m learning from my experienced husband, absorbing information like the crazy-eyed, new home buyer I am. Our evenings are spent doing a little demo and repairs followed by a meal, shower, maybe a little tv watching or research online.
The furniture refinishing room is set up and ready to go (something I will be working on during the week). Good thing because we have a nursery dresser to start for a client. I also scheduled to pick up another dresser.
In the midst of working on the house, I started sewing again after a long time away. Not to paint the picture that I was ever an avid sewer. Not me. I also started working on a few projects for our etsy store-think along the lines of picture frames, fabric and wallpaper. Plus we picked up a cane barrel chair for $19 at a local shop which will be for upholstery practice. I love being busy.
Merry Christmas to me! My food blog is featured at Refinery 29 (and freaking out). The day we move into our new house and everything blows up in the best way ever. I could cry…and I have. Adore our new place and I am so grateful for this feature. Thank you for your support (yes, you right there)!
We're Annie and Greg Witkamp (aka the Wits, aka Em & Wit Design). We salvage, refurbish and design furniture and homes. We're taking a break from an online & social media presence (for the most part). Our time on the blog was memorable and fun, but we're off to other projects and opportunities. Most derived from our shenanigans here. We'll drop in once in a while, but just know we're off chasing our dreams, tackling goals and living a life we enjoy.
Our specialty is wood furniture in rough shape that we come across on craigslist, at estate sales, on the curb, in a barn, you get it. Those pieces are cleaned, repaired, refurbished and good to go for years to come. Sometimes we design our own pieces.
As of spring 2016, we decided to make this website, the Wits, about our remodeling homes and about the furniture. You can shop there, ask us questions, see our newly finished pieces and portfolio.
We sold our second remodeled home near Seattle in August 2018 and moved to Richmond, Virginia. Getting to Washington was a goal that took years to achieve, but we had an opportunity come up and we grabbed hold (again)!
You can watch our journey right here, there, and/or through Instagram.
-To see the projects we did to our first home, check out the home improvement page. To see our current home projects, scroll through the most recent posts. (I need to update that....)