Things I Look Forward To

Let’s see, what have we been up to…there was removing the largest stump from the backyard (still are digging and chopping away at it in the evenings), starting the beginning phases of refinishing-sanding-a few new pieces, watering the new grass (it is starting to look like an actual lawn), got some new hardware for future furniture, posted a few more things to sell on craigslist/etsy, blabbed a bit on facebook, and a whole lotta stuff that might bore you.

So, I’m going to share my “things I look forward to” document I started last week. Something that might bore you too but I’m sorry, it’s still coming.

Things I Look Forward To: (in no order)

-my daily Etsy Finds email

-going to garage sales/flea markets/estate sales/auctions

-the farmers market

-the day when we have no student loan debt

I chased this picture around without ever finding the source. I'm a credit giving kind of girl otherwise.

-the day we can afford a sprinter van to move and ship the furniture we makeover

-the day we feel that our ideas for our first home have come to be a reality (and then move on to the next place)

-seeing the Forester pull in the drive carrying my husband back home from work or a business trip

-to go along with the last one, seeing our pup’s reaction to “dad” being home (it’s too cute)

-our pup seeing me in the morning with a greeting like I had been gone for weeks (every single morning)

My mug

-my cup (or two) of coffee each day

-Austin City Limits

-Thursday evening (when technically our weekend begins since Greg doesn’t have to work on Friday)

(from TwoSarahs on etsy)

-the day we finally move to Oregon (the place we’d like to reside)

-family visits

-the day we can take a month or two to travel Europe

-the day I have a new magazine in the mailbox/when I have time to go through the magazine

-the day we can make a living, paying all bills and having a decent amount left, with our own furniture business

-eating a delicious meal I’ve prepared with a nice glass of wine at the end of our day

-growing old with my husband (and getting to that point where you just don’t give a fig)

-finding that next amazing deal or hard-to-find item

-trying new restaurants and finding cool shops on a random trip

-a trip to Trader Joes or Whole Foods

-this Saturday, July 14th, which marks this blog’s one year anniversary

How ’bout you?

What is Etsy?

Most people have heard of ebay, some craigslist, some Paypal (even though I’m baffled by the amount who haven’t) and fewer, it seems from my experience, have heard of etsy.

When someone asks what it is I want to say you know…etsy…and then stare awkwardly holding back from yelling just how important and (business) life-sustaining it is to Greg and I and millions of others. It’s like ebay but for handmade or vintage items, where you’ll find unique/creative items made or found by unique and creative people. An online marketplace where one-of-a-kind merchandise reigns supreme.

A place where Greg and I can be seen, appreciated, valued, recognized. If it didn’t exist, we would have difficulty thriving and growing. A place our furniture (and other items) can be purchased by those looking for a unique piece, by people who want to support small businesses. It’s a way for small businesses to become larger businesses. It’s a community where you can find answers and make new friends. It’s a resource for our business supplies. Some people are really missing out.

As etsy says:

“Etsy is the world’s most vibrant handmade marketplace. Etsy celebrates individual creativity in design and craftsmanship by connecting unique people, stories and items in a playful and meaningful way. Etsy provides a marketplace for crafters, artists and collectors to sell their handmade creations, vintage goods and crafting supplies.”

I was given a graphic to share showing the facts, figures, numbers behind etsy these days and I believe it to be a perfect way to show just how far etsy has come. Who loves you, etsy? (We do and we’re obviously not alone.)

Etsy MBA
Created by:

Antique Empire Dresser Semi-Reveal

I lied. Lied to my readers on my food blog, the Dabble, about how we were going to be “toiling” over the backyard on the 4th of July. How we were going to be sweating, bit by mosquitoes and all kinds of uncomfortable things in the name of progress. But we didn’t. Shame on us. It was about 100 degrees with high humidity so we re-evaluated where our focus should be and since I complained about things going wrong on that front recently, we came to the conclusion that the furniture business needs to be priority numero uno right now.

Since we’ve been on the same two pieces for-ev-er.

That’s just what we did in our cool basement. Greg and I headed to our “furniture refinishing room” downstairs (that’s seriously what we call it…so creative, huh) and got back to business. The outdoors wasn’t avoided, we grilled and watered our growing grass…that’s right, we Witkamps have sprouted grass in parts of our yard. Woot!

Henry can’t stand still for a second.

Then we took Henry the pup to the fireworks where he just wasn’t having it and because I didn’t realize the fireworks were not in the same spot as we saw them last year, we were around a large crowd of folks instead of our secluded spot. A bit embarrassed about our dog freaking out even though he’s normally not bothered by loud noises, we left for home where there was nothing going on on our side of town in an eery no one exists any more kind of way. Went to bed around 11 so Greg could get to his day job today around 6AM. He’s probably grouchy tired.

While taking the day to work on the two dressers, we encountered a few problems. A pint of Benjamin Moore paint (free…except tax with a coupon in a magazine) was calling our names after we decided that would be the way to go for the contemporary dresser. You know, after we decided the glossy oil-based wasn’t going to work in the humidity with equipment not quite right for the job…we attempted to make that work 3 times with lots of sanding inside our hot garage (needs insulation). Well, that Ben (we’re on a first name basis…only not at all) shade wasn’t quite what I was looking for so back to the store once more. Thank goodness it was open on a holiday. We picked up a darker shade, got home to see it went on more like a purple brown which is not what we’re going for. I started to think it was mixed wrong until it dried and became something more along the lines of what we’re hoping to achieve. Phew. I’m not getting another color. This thing needs to be finished.

The empire dresser awaits hardware STILL. I waited a few weeks for some supposed “antique” knobs from the U.K (found on ebay) to be ticked upon their arrival. Not antique, 9 of the 10 had major damage not disclosed and the seller never contacted me back. To return these wouldn’t be worth the price so these ugly things sit in the hardware drawer. I also ordered some hardware on etsy to add a little something to the mid-century dresser we have in our etsy shop and while they were lovely, the seller listed them with the dimensions rounded up which made them not work at all for that one. I waited a few weeks for those too.

I’m the kind of person who knows what she wants and will look tirelessly to attain whatever that is and the empire dresser needs some spectacular antique knobs. Pieces requiring 6 drawer pulls are easier to find hardware for but this one needs 8. I should clarify, finding one-of-a-kind, antique/vintage hardware in sets of 6 are easier to come across than 8. The majority of our pieces have had new hardware where you can just order however many your little heart desires. My little heart desires knobs you can really only find on etsy or ebay. It’s proving a major pain. I dont know that I would do a similar piece without first having the hardware and building from there…which I usually do. Like I say, great hardware can make a piece.

But I must say the milk paint we used is awesome. I love milk paint. As long as you mix the powder (real milk paint is a powder you mix with water) really well, you won’t have problems. As in just when you think your arm will fall off, mix some more because there are sure to be pockets of powder somewhere in there. Each piece of furniture comes out unique with this paint. It does what it wants as long as you put the paint on the piece (similar to it puts the lotion on the skin) and I have yet to be disappointed with the finish.

Remember this dresser from about a year ago? It had a milk paint glaze we created. Lots of fans of this one.

The finish on the empire dresser reminds me of a vintage chalkboard with just the right amount of cool, understated beauty and is similar to chalk paint. As it ages, it can chip or flake adding to the character. Even though it’s not required, I would put a finish, wax or poly, on it to protect it from moisture. And is this stuff durable. Greg called it a candy coated finish after we sanded the first coat which deepens the color. He’s impressed and wants to use just milk paint from now on. The only drawback, like chalk paint, is a limited color range. And I can’t devote myself to just one type of paint so probably not happening, honey. Check out the pieces Miss Mustard Seed has done with both milk and chalk paint for a better idea.

Before (sadly a faux finish made to look like quarter sawn oak that sanded right off)

Since I’ve been talking about it long enough, here it is, the empire dresser (minus hardware). A good cleaning, drawer stops fixed, some filling, lots of sanding, some milk paint and wax coats, reinforced body (nice and sturdy now). What hardware would you like to see on it?

Weekend Finds: Antique Furniture (and Losing My Cool)

This is from our first tour of the house.

You’re saying it’s almost the 4th of July? Whoa. I had all these plans in my head to decorate for the 4th since it’s our first in our first ever house. Flags lining the driveway, flag flying, backyard dining with traditional foods and drinks (and a cute table setting). But no. We do have the flag left by the previous owner up on the garage wall. There’s also a sticker on our front door from the previous owners (the only one I left up) that says ‘God Bless America’ but otherwise, it looks like every other day, nothing that screams “we’re celebrating our independence going on 236 years Wednesday and we’re damn proud.” Instead the place is kind of screaming “help me.” Oh the transitional period of renovation.

Before (side of garage)
After...hoping the grass grows

It’s hectic around here right now. Borrowed water sprinklers and hoses everywhere, dirt, lots of mud, dying plants that used to be attractive landscape due to the sun beating them up. (Watering hasn’t helped.) I finally pulled the weed-like plants from the front of the house because even when they had a purple flower they were ugly. The front needs attention. Plans are to rip it all out and design something new. There’s no money for this right now so the neighbors will have to continue driving past with disgust on their faces. So it’s not that bad but it’s definitely not what we want to reflect. All the rock and old mulch is not something I’m looking forward to taking up since we’re still digging up roots in the backyard weekend after weekend.

We're waiting for the grass to grow. Literally.

Reality check time: I had a meltdown this weekend because it feels like that’s the only thing we ever do and I’m over it. 3.5 months of digging and piling rocks, bagging and ripping out weeds then going back to a spot because it has grown back had me losing my cool. Not to mention every time we get rid of the bags, trash and whatnot, it piles right back up because we have that much to clean up. And the mosquitoes are awful. I found out I have a worse reaction than your average Patty and the area bit becomes huuuugge. I itch everywhere. Everywhere. And I woke up with a swollen arm a few weekends ago due to one bite. The bug spray we bought doesn’t work. I have 11 bite marks on one forearm and about 4 on my face. All this for the sake of grass and getting to a point where we can regrade the yard. But it looks better after a long day. I’ll show you later with those pictures we were sent. Any work in the house has been put on hold.

This dresser is having issues of the oil-based paint variety and we have to start all over again with the paint.

Things have not been going well for those 2 pieces we started weeks ago. With little time, hardware arriving not as described by the seller (have to start over looking for the perfect knobs for the empire dresser), the oil-based paint cured…with a ton of fibers in the finish even though we did our best to keep particles from flying around in our garage (too bad this is our first project in the garage with all its suckage) and the humidity makes curing time much longer so we’re starting over on that piece and avoiding oil-based for now until we can purchase the proper equipment to avoid these setbacks. The only success we’re having around the house is getting some grass to grow. And we’re still focused and working hard to eliminate those 2 debts I mentioned before so we can have more moolah to work with…it’s a tight, think spandex, kind of budget these days so I have been unable to purchase supplies I need to start or finish other projects. Kind of driving me crazy. I feel like I’m in slow motion. But it will be worth it to have that money.

As I’ve said on our facebook page, we picked up that great antique furniture from a local woman after she contacted us to see if we had interest in her pieces. We went to their barn (which was some great space) and picked out what we could afford. Might get more later. Thanks, Eileen!

One adorable piece we picked up

Sideboard-I'm seeing a bar

Got two of these guys

Windsor chairs

On the way home from picking up those pieces, we spotted a farm sale where I found this cute little number.

It’s an antique sewing storage table. The legs seem a bit wimpy for it and one is broken so we’re planning on making it more of an entry table with new legs. The sides open to reveal deep pockets that I think would be great for umbrellas. Unlike many sewing cabinets we’ve seen and passed on, the drawers on this one would be ideal for keeping all those whose-its and whats-its collected and the top would be a great place to drop the mail off and place your keys or decorate with a lamp and mirror above. Most of those sewing storage pieces are set up so that using them for other purposes wouldn’t work very well.

We had another reader tell us how she looked at buying our place (well her parents did since she was out of state) at the start of October 2011-about a month before us-and had pictures if we wanted them. I am so glad she did. When we first saw this house it was turning more towards winter and not looking too spiffy. I believe it was raining on our first visit. Now I can show you what some rooms and the yard looked like before we attacked renovated in later posts. Thanks, Maren!

Back to the 4th of July. I’m feelin’ all reminisce-y

In the good old days, we sat in the back of my dad’s truck, watching the fireworks from the grocery store parking lot or my favorite way, on a quiet, lightning bug-filled country road near my childhood home. It was always beautiful from our house, out on the deck, because we could see the surrounding city/towns fireworks from a distance. Fireworks in the round. Or my hometown’s best spot was right on the baseball field at the park close to where the pyrotechnics were launched. Lying on a blanket, staring at the sky, sometimes wondering if the firework debris would fall on us. You could then see the flag made of sparklers at the end, only for the close spectators.

And there was that year where a bunch of my friends came over and in good fashion, had a bottle rocket fight in the front yard and our own ground show. My old Eagle Summit car took some hits and my parents might have been upset with all the sticks left in the yard (my friends and I tried to pick them up before leaving). My dad is fond of doing his own show. It can be safe and fun. Except the bottle rocket fight. If you aren’t involved it’s fun to watch. Aerial fireworks are not allowed for individual use here in Minnesota (yet…a bill passed not long ago to change that…we’ll see what happens if it goes to law).

There will be some grilling going on this year here, a little work on the yard and fireworks. Henry, our sheepdog, will have his first encounter. It saddens me to say many places around the nation will not be having fireworks due to extreme drought. Most of our family won’t be going to a firework show until September, rescheduled due to the heat and conditions. They had a huge storm back in Indiana last week but it had more wind than rain-like 90 mph winds. Some don’t have power, many didn’t all weekend long, and there’s a lot of damage. Large trees I grew up admiring are down. The landscape will be different next time we’re there for sure. I hear they might have had some rain yesterday. Fingers crossed for more.

I will probably play my favorite patriotic songs from a cd I made a few years ago. It makes me cry. I am proud to be an American as Lee Greenwood sings (as sappy as that seems). But Ray Charles ‘America the Beautiful’ is the best. Grilled chicken, corn on the cob, and watermelon are on the menu. What are you plans for the 4th of July? What is your favorite memory of 4ths past?

I hope you are safe, cool and that you get a chance to celebrate the 4th with those near and dear to you.

Weekend Scores

Weekend post…wha? You bet! I’m sharing some antique finds on our facebook page. It’s kind of what I do on the weekend so if you want to see our scores and have a facebook account go to that link above.

A little background on these finds…which is rare all in one place, was due to a local, kind woman contacting me to say she has a barn full of antiques that she and her husband would love to get rid of in preparation for a move. We stopped by last weekend and picked out what we loved and can afford (even though I’d like more of the items) and picked up the rest yesterday. (On the way back we spotted a sale on a farm and picked up a little something that I have yet to share on facebook.)

I will try to put a few more of the pieces up Sunday and of course, I will talk about them a little more next week.

Good weekend and good weekend to you!

Our Story

Nothing is at a point to share. Both dressers (the antique empire and the mid-century pieces) are curing then need a few coats of wax and more cure time. I’m waiting for 2 sets of hardware. And telling you about the grass we’re trying to grow is a real snorer of a topic. At least I would think so as a reader. So I’m going to share the post I started to write about us as answered by Annie. It’s lengthy. Grab a snack, a drink, take breaks. Here is our story.

*Update: we did this interview in 2014 that has more recent news.  To find out how we answered why we started blogging, what fuels our passion for woodworking, what our favorite DIY projects are, what sparked our interest in reselling vintage and antique items, where we’re at with the progress on our house/what’s left, what our renovation status and timeline is for our move to Seattle, AND what we envision for our lives in 5 years check it out.

Q: What’s your favorite color? (directed to Annie)

A: Blue-to be specific dark blue like cobalt or navy. When paired with gold or vintage brass, it’s gorgeous. I’m a little obsessed with the combo right now.

Q: What brand of paint do you like best?

A: We try to use what’s nearby for most projects but even then we have a decent amount of options. Right now, we go to our local Ace Hardware for Benjamin Moore. That said, we like to try different paints and will go with whatever the client wants or what we believe the piece needs (chalk paint, milk paint, stain, etc.) to make it unique.

Q: Where do you live?

A: Right now,southern Minnesota-a town called Northfield but we’re both from small towns in northern Indiana (hey to my Hoosiers) although we spent a little over 5 years in Lafayette, West Lafayette for college (boiler up to my Purdue pals). Northfield is famous for taking down Jesse James and his gang after they attempted a bank robbery (reenacted often) and for its renowned private colleges-St. Olaf and Carleton.

Greg working in the “wood lab.” (That we hear is closing. Boo!)

Q: How did you decide to start refinishing furniture and blog about it?

A: Greg worked with his dad building houses in their family construction business since before his teenage years and his dad had a woodshop where Greg dabbled in woodworking. He made several things for fun (a coffee table we still use, a tv stand, desk, a poker table for me who loves to play cards, a chair made from tropical species and a bunch of other things) then changed his degree at Purdue University from chemistry/chemical engineering, after 3 years in that field, to wood product manufacturing technology (with like a whopping 8 in the degree). He worked part-time in the “wood lab” and some helping to build bass guitars. (I was working to earn a degree in Psychology with a Business minor.) He came to me for advice on the aesthetic parts.

A few rough years followed after graduating, we eventually moved to Minnesota in the summer of 2008 for a job in his field. It was either a job here or in Charlotte…but the North Carolina position paid little. We did fall in love with Charlotte on a 10 day trip but we needed to make sure bills were covered. His days now are spent as an engineer building/designing/maintaining restaurant furniture and writing programs. I was unable to get a position in social work when we moved due to a difference in degrees and the need for more coursework (cha-ching). I started feeling melancholy and eventually began my food blog which helped improve my outlook and inspired me to follow another passion, back to furniture, design and decor. Moving to a state where you don’t know anyone and are crammed into a tiny apartment when you’re used to land to roam and people to visit can take a toll on your sanity and make you question who you truly are. We’re both different, I’d say improved. It took some time to get here but has helped us pinpoint what we want to do, a timeline, where we want to be and it’s great to release the ideas that were stuck in my head with no outlet.

Greg, his brother and dad in 1988

I’d always had my hand on the craigslist pulse in terms of furniture finding and I tried to make each apartment cozy, a sanctuary for us. We lived in many many apartments since college and pretty much had nothing to do or space to do it in until we got a rental with a garage last year (no power/no water…but you know that from the early writings on the Wits). I started writing about home décor, our house search and furniture on my other blog, the Dabble, when I realized that content should probably go to a new source and thus, the Wits was born. And it is called the Wits but our last name is Witkamp.

Then we purchased this house-our first-and began documenting the work on the blog on top of the furniture refinishing. We love DIY and Greg is very knowledgeable on the subject. Satisfaction and happiness are at all an all time high these days. It’s amazing what a loving partner, finding that thing you can picture yourself doing for the rest of your life and good food can do for a person.

In our old apartment

Q: You also have a food blog-the Dabble?

A: Yep, I’m a foodie (and I’ll still use that term even though it makes some people cringe) and I actually started that blog about 3 years ago. No, I didn’t grow up in a family where cooking/cuisine was a big deal. I was a picky eater in my younger days. The fascination started in college when I wanted to lose weight and change my nutrition (I don’t like the word diet) when I began using fresh ingredients and techniques new to me and back then, what wasn’t? I was horrible at first-still have moments but years later, after most of our weekend projects, awaits a meal I prepped in advance that is pretty damn good. It brings a calm over me to make something awesome.

And just as I get excited about beautiful furniture and hardware, I get with food, quality ingredients and dining somewhere amazing (mostly hole in the walls). When we pick up a new piece, we often pair it with a good meal somewhere in the area.

With the evenings being warm and summer here, we’re often using the charcoal grill…someday that will be a nicer piece of equipment but again, we’re working on the house on a tight budget so probably a distant dream. Having an outdoor brick oven would knock my socks off.

Oh, I want to add, because I’ve had issues with this topic in the past, that I do not enjoy the culinary side of life because I’m a daughter, woman or wife. I enjoy it as a person who loves preparing fresh, seasonal, delicious dishes, for the reasons a person chooses to become a chef (if I could do my undergrad again, I’d go that route). Not due to my sex. Growing up in the Midwest, Indiana and now Minnesota, it’s amazing the number of people that bring up how my “wife duty” is to cook or the notion that a daughter is supposed to grow up learning how to cook for her husband. Greg and I share chores and it’s basically whoever can get to them first. It’s also insulting when someone assumes I don’t do the dirty parts of our furniture business and can’t answer questions about the process. Those are the people who apparently don’t read the blog. Any given day, you’d see how I’m a mess with paint, filler, dust or dirt in my nasty jeans and t-shirt. I used to be fashionable but now I just appreciate and pin it to my Pinterest board. Just like I used to do my hair but have since let it go. Long and curly would be the style. I’ve been considering a makeover for my 30th in September. Something that depicts me a bit better. But I’d rather take that money and put it towards debt or more pieces to makeover.

2006-Greg followed me around on the day I graduated with my then new camera. He likes to annoy you to no end then takes it 10 steps beyond and he thinks it’s fun.

Q: You have a degree in Psychology?

A: Indeedy do, I have a Bachelors degree with an Organizational Leadership minor from Purdue University. I graduated with honors and was voted Primus in my business course (a big deal to me). I catered my degree to Industrial Organizational Psy-the business/consulting side of psychology and planned to attain a Masters in such a field…but then I graduated with quite a load of student loan debt and decided to find a job then go back to it. That’s where social work came in. I found a position working for a non-profit agency/hospital whose services were court-ordered into the local school corporation. I worked in a middle school. The services were not appreciated nor explained to a few of the schools…guess who was lucky enough to land in one of the two. It was not for me and that’s saying it as nicely as I can muster. Every day involved walking into a hostile environment created by the faculty and staff (led by the school counselor) towards me and I was there alone. Every step I took they worked hard to make it look as if I were incompetent so they wouldn’t have the agency to deal with. They went through 4 case managers in 2 years before me, telling the hospital it “wasn’t a good fit” with the others and the person I took over for didn’t do her job and wished she could just get a job in the school as a teaching assistant. Many of the case managers were former teachers or people who had a degree in teaching who couldn’t find a position within a school. I later found out the counselor once worked with one of the founders of the agency and they had a huge falling out…to the point they wouldn’t be in the same room together. Here I go getting into it when I’ve worked hard not to have it in my mind as often. Furniture doesn’t upset me nor criticize my ideas. Most of the time.

I know people say you learn something from every experience/no regrets blah blah but this is probably the only thing in life I wish I hadn’t done. The very small pay, long hours and heartbreaking conditions that my adolescent clients endured was too much…and the nasty people “assisting” were not fun to deal with on a daily basis either. The clients and the coworkers turned friends were the best part but I’m not allowed to keep in touch with my former clients. As a caring human, how do you do that? To avoid the long stories, I will just leave the topic. I hope they are well. Most graduated from high school this year.

I’m happy to have such a degree-behavior is fascinating-and maybe when I find myself with more money, I’ll go back. I was close to being a child/adolescent therapist. Having my own private practice was once a goal.

But I have many ideas I’d like to accomplish with my time on this earth-open a small restaurant or food truck, a line of hardware/home décor, expand this furniture business and get to a point where we can design our own pieces and build a modern home in Oregon, looking over a valley within the woods. Totally attainable. I’d like to travel. A lot. To make up for the time we missed out while being all responsible and paying our debts.

I went with Greg to his Prom strictly as friends. So young.

Q: How did you two meet?

A:We went to high school together but I was dating one of his friends…that was a few years of mess…but then we reconnected in college, he waited for me while I took time to be alone then he won me over and we began dating. 13 months later we were engaged. Engaged for almost 5 years before having a tiny ceremony in Minnesota and reception in Indiana months later.

Q: You’re from Indiana?

A: Both of us come from small towns near Ft. Wayne in the northeast part of the state. Raised in the country. I had draft horses and farming is in my family while Greg grew up helping his family’s construction business, absorbing all kinds of useful knowledge. That’s why he’s particular. Gets it honest.

Sweet home Indiana (my parent’s place) and that’s my grandparent’s farm in the back

We would love to live in the country again but adore being close to a large city. Ultimately, we see ourselves designing and building our own home with lots of windows and a modern feel somewhere in Oregon (or Washington).

Q: Why Oregon (or Washington)?

A: Greg was first offered a position in Eugene but that fell through after 8 months of preparing to move (ouch). It was a hard time because we fell in love with the area and felt it more appealing for our personalities/interests. We’ve been trying to get there ever since. But Greg feels that he needs to put some time in his career and it’s tough to find a new job/move on with little money. Maybe another few years in Minnesota and we’ll be in a better position. *Update: we are indeed moving to Seattle with Greg’s job in the fall of 2014

Umm, I think I made this long enough. Feel free to ask more questions.